Tuesday, May 18, 2010

41 Is too old to decide on a career!!!!

This morning was rough, my three year old didn't want to go to daycare she said that she wanted to go shopping to buy a new dress!!!I wonder where she got that from?, so I had to bribe her to get dressed and promised that after school we will go shopping, I think I am setting myself up for the drama when she turns thirteen.
While driving the baby to daycare I got a call from my best friend Danielle, she was having a mini crisis, her DJ fling has fallen head over heels in love and she is stressing over it. DJ falling in love was not supposed to happen, they have only been dating for four months and in the beginning DJ was not at all interested in settling down but Danielle felt that if he was spending everyday at her house, cooking, cleaning, picking her up from work, giving her money, then how could he say he wasn't ready to settle down? So she called him and told him that she thought they should take a break and slow things down, that agreement between the two lasted a day, LOL!! He picked her up from work two days later and they went right back into the swing of things. They got along great he was doing all of the right things, that was until they had the conversation of what he saw himself doing in the future after all he was 41 years old and a DJ four days a week and cleaned two buildings the other three days. Not to knock his hustle but does any of these jobs have a 401k? How much stability is either one of these jobs, he has three kids and she has two, five kids all together how will everyone be supported? Danielle started to feel like maybe this relationship long term would not be such a good idea. Then came mother's day, he took her shopping and gave her money, he even got her AC in her house fixed. At the end of the night he asked her for thirty dollars because he paid for the AC to be repaired, poor DJ didn't even realized he signed his own walking papers when he asked for that money. The day after that he went away to see some family and his phone was cut off for non - payment and yes things do happen but,
this was the third time in two months, your 41 years old, there are many unlimited plans to choose from. Then came the tsunami dj called Danielle from someone else's phone and asked her to call the guy that pays him to clean the buildings and ask him if he could advance his check. WHAT?????? DJ your killing me!!! HOW OLD ARE YOU???
Danielle couldn't wait for him to come back from his trip, she was calling it off for good this guy was crazy, it wasn't about the money it was about the stability and future goals and he didn't seem to have any.
DJ returned and took the break up hard, he had to email her for about a week because his phone was still cut off ( A MESS !!!) He has been trying to reform himself and got a job interview, calling Danielle to tell her hoping that she would give him another chance. But she has lost interest, the fact that she was asked to call his boss for an advance on his check so he could pay his phone bill showed her what she may have to deal with in the future.
It's funny how in the beginning she wanted him to settle down with her because he is an all around good guy however, being content with minimal was not good enough for Danielle and rightfully so. Be careful what you ask for you may just get it!!!! :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Because I'm independant doesn't mean you can depend on me!!!!

I never really looked at myself as a cougar, but I started an affair with a 24 year old about a year ago while going through a really bad break up of 5 years. My affair was not planned but the young hunk had me feeling sexy and he treated me with so much respect. Their was never any pressure for sex and when we finally did it he took my breath away, I was in love or so I thought. I would always tell my lover he was perfect I knew men his age who didn't have their life together. It was all good until I found out the first lie, then the second, then the third, and it went on and on, but the sex was so good and he made my toes curl that it was hard to walk away.
After trying to break it off with him, it was clear that he developed feelings and although I had feelings for him too, it could have gone either way. Then after 2 months he said I LOVE YOU. that was all he had to say, because I was so dickamotyzed I forgave the lies, but the truth is the truth no matter how you put it, and he went from wining and dining and paying my bills, to now needing me to help him out and I wasn't comfortable with that mainly because I feel I have greater responsibilities than he did.
Needless to say I didn't step up to the plate to return the favor when he needed help simply because he could have totally avoided the mess he got himself into.Our affair ended after a brief four months he left town and back to his home town to live with his mom until he got himself on his feet. We corresponded on the phone and then he decided to come see me for the first time this past weekend six months. I was excited, more so because I thought we would
pleasure each other one more time, but mother nature had different plans for me the day he came, low and behold the minute he touched down my period decided to come 3 days early.
Ugghhhhh!!!! The weekend started out great, that was until he broke my Goddess Statue that I had in the corner originally so neither one of my Bambino's would knock it over and break it, then he sat and played with his blackberry damn near the whole weekend, to top that off he asked to borrow my car to visit family, the car had an empty tank so I was expecting for him to fill it up, that was what he used to do when he came back with the car after two and a half hours it was still on E , lmaoooooooooooo.
As if it couldn't get any worse he asked to use my computer so I told him yes, about five minutes later he says he needed to buy a ticket to go home and he didn't have enough money in his account to charge it, but he will go to the ATM take out what he had and put it with the rest
of the cash he had on him and he will give me the money if I charged it on my card for him , so I said o.k. cool!!!
His flight left at 5 a.m. and guess who he asked to take him to the airport? Me!! I said I couldn't
do it and he was quite upset, he said he wanted me to see him off, I then suggested a cab, I even said I will pay half. he said NO, I then had to sneak a couple of text messages to my best
friends about this whole situation it was getting a bit much and i'm known for having a lethal tongue. They both agreed that he was asking for a lot and I wasn't over reacting, my toyboy and I were quiet for the rest of the night he woke me up about 3:29 a.m. and said that the cab was outside waiting I got out of bed and walked him to the door we kissed and said our goodbyes. Well before I went to bed, I went and poured myself a glass of water and looked at the money that he originally put on the counter for me after I charged his ticket and I realized this little NICCA left me twenty dollars, I gagged on my water is he serious?
So I decided to go in on his ass the following morning, by the time I was done he offered to put the money back in my account. My question is when did it become okay to depend on me? I was never one to be moved by the words I LOVE YOU, show me how much you love me don't tell me!!!